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Hide Grid Column in Peoplesoft Pages

Hello, There are lots of script that indicate how you can do that but there is a trick that you need to give a name for specified column. You can use following script; Local Grid &MYGRID; Local GridColumn &COLUMN; &MYGRID = GetGrid(Page."YOUR_PAGE_NAME", "GRID'S_NAME"); If &v_SSR_RES_MARK_OPT = "Y" Then    &MYGRID.GetColumn("COLUMN_NAME").Visible = True; Else    &MYGRID.GetColumn("COLUMN_NAME").Visible = False; End-If; Before using this script change grid's column name. To do that double click column and open page field properties. On General tab, change name of Page Field Name as you want than use this name in bellow row in your code and use it instead of COLUMN_NAME &COLUMN = &MYGRID.GetColumn("COLUMN_NAME"); PS: Do not use table/view's field name for column_name. Loves,