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Generate Dynamic Drop-down List with SQL Script in Peoplesoft Pages

Hello, I would like to share my knowledge about how can you create dynamic drop-down list and use in PS pages with some tricks. Firstly, you need to create new field which must be translate field. Field length must be four for that field cause we want to use this field with translate values.

You are not authorized to access this component (40,20)

Hello, If you get error like You are not authorized to access this component (40,20) then you can look at your roles and codes which related with transferred pages and permissions. Firstly, check the role if the role has permissions for peoplesoft menu like bellow; select ROWID,A.* from PSAUTHITEM A where MENUNAME=<Page's Menu Name> CLASSID MENUNAME BARNAME BARITEMNAME PNLITEMNAME DISPLAYONLY AUTHORIZEDACTIONS TEST_ROLE ATTND_MENU USE ATTND_INSTR2 ATTND_INSTR2 0 4 TEST_ROLE ATTND_MENU USE ATTEND_INST_1 ATTND_INST 0 14 TEST_ROLE ATTND_MENU USE CLASS_ATTENDANCE_I CLASS_ATTENDANCE_I 0 2 Check  AUTHORIZEDACTIONS field and update this field as 4 for selected rows. If you use Transfer function in a page, check your transfer code's parameter and make sure your parameters must be same with result of select state...


I created some indexes for a table. When I try to delete index which belong to that table, I got error ORA-02429.  To overcome with this issue I did something as bellow; alter table TABLE_NAME drop constraint INDEX_NAME; drop index INDEX_NAME; Loves,

Multi-Language Security in Peoplesoft

Hello, I want to share some weird experience about security now. We had trouble with securities like multi-language drop-down list which is right side of pages doesn't appear for some users in Peoplesoft pages. To fix this problem; go to My Personalizations page under Main Menu. Than choose Personalize General Options link and change Multi-Language Entry value as yes than save this page. So, after that users can see multi-language drop down list in own page. Loves,