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Invalid Value Error in Dropdown List

Hello, Sometimes,  when you use dynamic drop down list with peoplecode, having trouble with invalid value become unavoidable. When I click "Getir" button, Class Name field change invalid value even before using that button I could see true value for that field. I just only check my code that class name is changed. The value that comes in drop down list for class name doesn't pair to the value that comes from Getir button.  You can also control character length of field of drop down list. I checked values with winmessage function and I aware both of values doesn't match. That's all.  Loves,

Collapsible Group Box in Peoplesoft Pages

Hello, With using collapsible Group boxes you can minimize all fields and free up space in your pages. If your page has lots of field and you can make it understandable. Before use it, you should decide to where you want to use Collapsible Group Boxes. In your page; Add a new group box which include your fields that you want to hide or show all of them. Double click head of group box and open Group Box Properties. Give a name for group box's label in Label tab.

Hide Grid Column in Peoplesoft Pages

Hello, There are lots of script that indicate how you can do that but there is a trick that you need to give a name for specified column. You can use following script; Local Grid &MYGRID; Local GridColumn &COLUMN; &MYGRID = GetGrid(Page."YOUR_PAGE_NAME", "GRID'S_NAME"); If &v_SSR_RES_MARK_OPT = "Y" Then    &MYGRID.GetColumn("COLUMN_NAME").Visible = True; Else    &MYGRID.GetColumn("COLUMN_NAME").Visible = False; End-If; Before using this script change grid's column name. To do that double click column and open page field properties. On General tab, change name of Page Field Name as you want than use this name in bellow row in your code and use it instead of COLUMN_NAME &COLUMN = &MYGRID.GetColumn("COLUMN_NAME"); PS: Do not use table/view's field name for column_name. Loves,


Hello, If you get this error, there are some multiple declarations for the identifications like below code. DECLARE zip_code INTEGER; Zip_Code INTEGER; -- duplicate identifier, despite Z/z case difference BEGIN zip_code := 90120; -- raises error here because of duplicate identifiers END; / Check your declarations and delete reiterated declaration one. Loves,

Generating Page Anchor in Peoplesoft Pages

Hello, If you want to use page anchor in your pages, you need to add two push button. Insert a push button in your page.  Choose hyperlink in Type tab in general properties for first push button and add record name. We will fill Related control field later. Now, you should skip it.

Generate Dynamic Drop-down List with SQL Script in Peoplesoft Pages

Hello, I would like to share my knowledge about how can you create dynamic drop-down list and use in PS pages with some tricks. Firstly, you need to create new field which must be translate field. Field length must be four for that field cause we want to use this field with translate values.

You are not authorized to access this component (40,20)

Hello, If you get error like You are not authorized to access this component (40,20) then you can look at your roles and codes which related with transferred pages and permissions. Firstly, check the role if the role has permissions for peoplesoft menu like bellow; select ROWID,A.* from PSAUTHITEM A where MENUNAME=<Page's Menu Name> CLASSID MENUNAME BARNAME BARITEMNAME PNLITEMNAME DISPLAYONLY AUTHORIZEDACTIONS TEST_ROLE ATTND_MENU USE ATTND_INSTR2 ATTND_INSTR2 0 4 TEST_ROLE ATTND_MENU USE ATTEND_INST_1 ATTND_INST 0 14 TEST_ROLE ATTND_MENU USE CLASS_ATTENDANCE_I CLASS_ATTENDANCE_I 0 2 Check  AUTHORIZEDACTIONS field and update this field as 4 for selected rows. If you use Transfer function in a page, check your transfer code's parameter and make sure your parameters must be same with result of select state...