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Generating Page Anchor in Peoplesoft Pages


If you want to use page anchor in your pages, you need to add two push button.

  • Insert a push button in your page. 
  • Choose hyperlink in Type tab in general properties for first push button and add record name.

We will fill Related control field later. Now, you should skip it.

  • Go to Label tab and choose your image for this page anchor.

  • On the General tab, type page field name, we'll use it. Choose Enable as Page Anchor check box.

  • Add another push button as hyperlink in you page.
  • Open that field's properties. 
  • On the Type tab, enter record name and field name. Choose destination as Page anchor. 
  • Enter Related Control field as first field. 

  • On the General tab, enter a page field name and chose Enable as Page Anchor checkbox.

  • And you have done it! Check your page. 


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