Audit Records in Peoplesoft


If you use Oracle Peoplesoft SIS and want to controlling changes in tables you can use audit records. It's really useful. You can also use trigger but I don't suggest it because when trigger faced some problem, process'll stop obligatorily and you can not continue without overcome with trigger issue.

What I have done to create audit record in PS?
  1. Login App Designer as three tier mode
  2. Open a record which you want to add audit record in this record.
  3. Save as this record without associated Peoplecodes in its fields. 
  4. Add four field end of the record's field as following fields.
    1. AUDIT_OPRID --> use this field to make sure who did changes
    2. AUDIT_STAMP --> use this field when changes happended
    3. AUDIT_ACTN --> use this field as C for changes, A for added, D for deleted
    4. AUDIT_RECNAME --> this is optional, if you use this field you can see which audit record used for this record
  5. Save your record as a table and give name as AUDIT_(your_record_name)
  6. Open record properties page in app designer. 
  7. In use tab, add your audit record in Record audit section and choose audit options as add, change, selective, delete...
  8. Save it and build your record. 
Changes in Peoplesoft's records made kept in audit records and finding audit record on database, you can use following script;

select * from psrecdefn where auditrecname<>' '



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